Porky`s (1983)

Written and Directed by Bob Clark

Starring: Dan Monahan, Mark Hernier, Wyatt Knight, Roger Wilson, Cyril O`Rielly, Tony Ganios, Boyd Gaines, Scot Colomby, Kim Catrall, Alex Karras, Susan Clark

The Mother of all sleazy jockoid movies. This example of crude teen hijinx is included largely for it`s widespread noteriety and the fact that it is one of only three films in this webpage that YMP has ever seen as a new release in a theater.

It`s the late 1950`s in south Florida, but despite the calm Eisenhower facade, everyone is secretly horny. We see the usual sexcapades-attempts to peek at girls in the showers, locker room banter and crude practical jokes. Our heroes are a bunch of eager freshmen who try to score en masse with the help of a few sympathetic upper classmen, only to fall victim to an elaborate and humiliating hoax.

Our eager boys decide to go to the source: Porky`s, a legendary bar and brothel in the next county, where the rednecks reign supreme. After suffering their greatest humiliation at the owner`s own hand, our boys concoct a plan of attack and exact their own brand of revenge, ultimately resulting in the physical destruction of the eponymous establishment.

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